There’s some exciting news in the world of PPC! (That’s Pay-Per-Click, if you weren’t sure.) New PPC ads are going live in January with a new structure called expanded ads. This basically means the ads will have a double headline and a description of up to 80 characters. But what is the value of PPC, and why would you even want to use it?
The Value of Pay-Per-Click
Through Google’s AdWords platform, Pay-Per-Click is a great supplement to SEO. It is a good strategy to get quick traffic and conversions, while SEO is a longer-term strategy that takes time to work.
With PPC, once you do research and make / create the campaign, it can immediately go live and start helping you market your business online! Instant gratification is awesome, right? It’s also customizable, meaning you can target demographics. Tell Google who your target audience will be, such as age, location, and if they would ideally be searching on a mobile phone or desktop computer.
The AdWords platform makes ROI easy to track, unlike traditional marketing such as direct mail, billboards, etc. Ads populate on Google through a bidding system, so you have to strategize how much each keyword is worth. Are you selling an expensive piece of equipment? If so, spending more on an ad will have a higher ROI potential. (You will sell more equipment.) Worth it! On the other hand, if you are selling a $3 pair of socks, you will not have as many advertising dollars to spend on this campaign.
The cool thing is that the AdWords platform is a marketplace, therefore it is governed by the economic principles of supply and demand. This means that none of your competitors are going to be jockeying to spend $5 to advertise for that $3 pair of socks. It just wouldn’t be worth it. (For them or for you!) So the price that you pay to advertise your set of products / services will be within a reasonable realm. If it is a higher bid – then it means the keyword is more competitive; you must pay to play!
Don’t Forget to Strategize Your Pay-Per-Click!
Strategy is important when setting up your PPC advertising. What can you do to set your ads apart from other companies’ ads? Quality and relevance are of the utmost importance. Google wants to show relevant ads. And, to be frank, you want your ads to be relevant, too!
This way, you don’t waste money advertising to people who aren’t looking for your product. For example, you wouldn’t want to create an ad campaign centered around “brush.” If you sell hairbrushes, you would be wasting lots of money on irrelevant clicks from people searching for toothbrushes, pet brushes, and other types of brushes. This is a simplified example, but it represents the attention to detail and critical thinking that is necessary when creating AdWords campaigns.
Another important thing is including Calls-to-Action in your ads in order to encourage potential customers to click. (Thus, they will fall in love with your brand, turning them into loyal customers!) Words have meaning, and they can truly encourage (or discourage) the interest of someone who is in the market for your product / service.
Uptick Is Your PPC Expert
PPC is a complex platform governed by simple principles. Turn to Uptick Marketing to harness our marketing experience and strategy-creation. Do your business a favor — implement digital marketing today. It will make a measurable difference!