Uptick Is Giving Thanks!

When you work at an awesome digital marketing agency in Birmingham, you have a lot to be thankful for. An abundance of Nerf guns, for example. Or the way you never know when someone’s going to accidentally pitch a softball right at your face. (Sorry about that, Jerry.)
Ah, yes – there is much to be thankful for around here. And since we are so #blessed here at Uptick, and since the season of thankfulness is upon us, I thought I’d ask my colleagues to tell me what they’re most thankful about! Check it out!

The SEO Team

MadisonI’m thankful for good food, and for memories/future experiences with friends, family, and coworkers. I am also thankful for a cool breeze on hot afternoons in Alabama, and for space heaters on chilly mornings.
AndrewI’m thankful for Jesus, the love, support and guidance of both my wonderful mother and father, family and friends that push me to be the best man I can be.
LanceI’m thankful for faith, family, friends, coworkers, and office John Cena pranks.

The Content Team

Jessie: I’m thankful for my dog, tacos, sunglasses, friends, Netflix, music, and open-minded people.
Nisha: I’m thankful for the unexpected kindness of strangers, radio stations that feature music instead of talk shows in the morning, spontaneous weekend adventures, family (of course), how a picture can turn a moment into a memory, and ICE CREAM! I’m really thankful for ice cream.
Anne (Hey, that’s me!): I’m thankful for my husband and my three little critters (I mean, children). I’m also thankful for all the things that bring me little doses of joy throughout the day – sunshine, coffee, and those M&Ms we always have on hand at the office.

The Consultant Team

Jenny: I’m thankful for my son, family, friends, and a meaningful career. Also, I’m thankful for my life. In 2004 I was in a serious automobile accident. I nearly severed my spinal cord at the C2 (the highest point on the cervical spine). The neurosurgeon on call that afternoon said it was a miracle that I survived considering my injuries. Since that day, I’ve tried to live each day to the fullest. You never know what’s around the corner, so live every day like it’s your last. I always ask myself, “What’s my legacy?” or, “How can I change the world?” I just try to be a good person.
MarkI am thankful for grace.
JoeyI’m thankful for God, my awesome family, a great place to work, being warm and dry inside when it’s raining outside, being better off than I have any right to be, the way BBQ sauce is the perfect condiment, a smile on a baby’s face when she realizes that, all things considered, I’m an alright daddy, the smell of fall, watching TV shows on the ceiling with my favorite person, a good book, Tyrion Lannister’s dialogue, a life just long enough to appreciate it, and – of course – Nick Saban.
JamieI’m thankful for the way peanut butter tastes on gooey brownies with milk, a chill in the air when I walk my dog at night, and little conversations with my kids. And Apple Music.
MarshallI’m thankful for the amazing people in my life. Family, friends, and anyone that enjoys my food. I am extremely thankful for the random way connections are formed, how through unlikely scenarios things find a way.  I really do love Thanksgiving, as it brings two families extremely close (mine and a very close family friend’s.) It’s my favorite holiday for sure.  I am grateful for the respect and honor that the children (now adults) show to our parents and know just how special this holiday is.

The Graphics Team

KellyI’m thankful for God’s grace and love for me, family that have become best friends and best friends that have become family.
AshlynI’m thankful for God’s grace and that He gives me a life actually worth living, my family, my friends, Boston terriers, Coldplay, and Coca-Cola.

The Everything Woman

MichelleI’m thankful for my husband and my family, my health, my cats, white cheddar popcorn, good books, and good people.

Da Boss

NicoleI am thankful for the ability to have a personal relationship with God, an absolutely amazing team with truly wonderful people, incredible friendships, coffee, and a beautiful little girl that melts my heart every day.

Best Wishes from Uptick – Your Digital Marketing Agency in Birmingham!

As Thanksgiving approaches, what are you feeling thankful for? Whether it’s football, turkey, family, or just life in general, we hope you have a wonderful holiday and that your blessings abound!

About Anne

Uptick’s Vice President of Client Strategy, Anne studied Advertising and Public Relations and Spanish at the University of Alabama, spending one semester abroad at La Universidad de Alcalá de Henares in Madrid, Spain. Her love for the art of language has translated into four published works, multiple speaking engagements, and also, marketing. At Uptick, Anne oversees Uptick’s internal operations, including four production teams (content marketing, digital advertising, SEO, and support), process development and management, and internal business strategy. The Birmingham Business Journal also named Anne the 2022 Business Leader of the Year.

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