In this digital age, most people have an inbox that is busting at the seams. How do you get your marketing emails to stand out from the crowd? What are the secrets to having your subscribers not only open, but actually read your emails?
Check out these 5 tips for creating a successful email marketing campaign:
#1 Use a Sense of Urgency in Your Subject Line
Subject lines such as “Act Within the Next 24 Hours” or “Today Only” are great choices for encouraging people to open your emails. You want them to open your email immediately, instead of waiting and then forgetting about it later.
While you want to instill a sense of urgency, don’t use all capital letters. You want to encourage your subscribers, not scream at them. Also, too many capital letters gives the impression that your email may be spam, which can quickly trigger spam filters and prevent your email from even appearing in your subscribers’ inboxes.
#2 Speaking of Spam, Don’t Do It!
Make sure you follow the rules when it comes to email marketing.
You can only send out bulk marketing emails to people who have subscribed to your mailing list. If you acquire a person’s email for any other purpose, you should not add them to your mass marketing mailing lists.
Likewise, make sure each email has the option to unsubscribe. Nothing drives business away faster than annoying people with unwanted emails. (Most mass email platforms require you to have an unsubscribe button).
#3 Break Your Content Up Into Easily Accessible Pieces
It can be overwhelming to open an email and see one long piece of text. Break your text up into easy to scan headings. Use subheadings to allow people who are in a hurry to find exactly what they are looking for in your email. Highlight your call-to-action and make it easy to act upon.
#4 Make Your Email a One-on-One Conversation
Don’t word your emails as if you are talking to all of your subscribers. No one wants to be just a number on a list. Talk one-on-one to your reader. Use the word “you.” People like personalized content, so keep it casual and personal.
#5 Send Your Emails at the Right Time
When sending a marketing email, choose your time wisely. Tuesdays through Thursdays around 9 am or 1pm are good options. For some businesses, Saturday afternoon may work if you are appealing to people who are engaged in leisure activity.
Monday mornings may be the absolute worst time to send a marketing email because people are coming back into work and having to weed through an entire weekend’s worth of emails. It is easy for your marketing email to get lost in the Monday morning shuffle.
Likewise, Friday afternoons are probably not a great time either. People are trying to finish up their work for the week and get out of the office. They don’t want to be slowed down by your email marketing campaign.
Want to Try Email Marketing for Your Business?
Contact the marketing experts at Uptick today to learn how you can grow your business through an effective email marketing strategy.