Patrick Riley

Onboarding Support Specialist

Known for his collaborative spirit, supportive attitude, and great work ethic, Patrick Riley (no relation to Anne Riley…that we know of) is the perfect addition to the Uptick Marketing team.

Patrick grew up in Pleasant Grove, discovering his love of music at 14 when he got his first guitar. From there, his initial enthusiasm turned into a lifelong hobby. As a child, his professional interests pivoted between becoming a pro athlete or a lawyer. However, as life would have it, his career would become something entirely different.

Patrick started working in B2B digital services at Infomedia, where he worked as a Project Manager and Support Specialist. There, he gained crucial insights into what makes a client’s website successful, which made him want to explore marketing further.

Now, as our Onboarding Support Specialist, Patrick brings his experience and passion as he helps welcome new clients and gets everything set up so we can hit the ground running.

When he’s not working, Patrick spends most of his time with his family. He and his wife, Madi, have two children, Jax and June, who always keep him on his toes. The Riley household also includes two furry friends, Violet the dog and Wednesday the cat. Patrick likes to relax by playing the guitar or watching, talking about, and even researching anything that has to do with sports.

Patrick is a natural fit for the Uptick team, given his goofy sense of humor, friendly demeanor, and ability to put anyone at ease.

How to Get Patrick’s Attention
Bring up a conversation about the latest sports statistics or strategies, and you’ll have his full attention. Or hand him a guitar.
No Relation to Other Uptickians
Patrick Riley is not a (known) family member of our VP of Client Strategy, Anne Riley (, anyone?).
Most Surprising Talent
Patrick’s unique talent of jumping up and clicking his heels together, also known as the “leprechaun kick,” is impressive, especially for someone of his height. He also regularly sports a red beard, so it’s safe to say he’s our good luck charm.