When it comes to marketing a business, most people understand the importance of the basics. Some businesses will opt for traditional marketing such as television ads, billboards, radio, etc. Others will go purely digital and focus primarily on search engine optimization (SEO) and digital marketing through social media platforms and Google Adwords.
A few will integrate all of their communications and marketing efforts and utilize the methods that simply work best for their business at reaching their target audience (by the way, that’s what Uptick excels at helping businesses do).
However, very few actually take it to the next level and market not only their business but also their executives. Executive positioning is incredibly important for marketing your business and the expertise of those within your business.
It’s not just about giving speeches at conferences and other typical activities one associates with executive positioning, though. There are a lot of things executives can do on an ongoing basis to help build a platform.
Below are a few key ways to maximize the visibility of your executives, which increases your brand awareness.
Tip #1: Optimize LinkedIn Profiles
One of the best ways to help position your executives involves helping them to beef up their LinkedIn profiles. This can include everything from updating the summary section to obtaining recommendations and connecting with your target audience. Many people turn to LinkedIn when researching other businesses; therefore, optimizing your executives profiles can increase the chances of landing those big clients if done correctly.
Tip #2: Create a Blog
Unfortunately, the 2000’s gave the word “blog” a bad name. Fortunately, that has long since changed with search engines emphasizing the importance of relevant, educational content on websites.
One of the best ways to help position those within your team involves allowing them to blog on their areas of expertise and having those blogs on your business website. Not only will this blog help increase the ranking of your website, but it also provides an extra layer of credibility to your executives.
Tip #3: Share the Blog Socially
Once you optimize your LinkedIn profile (and other social media profiles if relevant) and create a blog, encourage executives to actually share those blogs on social media platforms. Not only should these blogs be shared to existing connections, but they should also be leveraged in LinkedIn groups and Google+ communities. All of this only helps build authority for your executive and increases the visibility of your business.
At the end of the day, make sure you are taking the time to strategically position your executives in a manner that builds up their credibility and maximizes the visibility of your brand. Executive positioning goes a long way in marketing your business effectively.