Facebook: Tricks and Treats!

Halloween Facebook reactions
As a social media guru, I knew that Halloween 2016 would bring a new set of spooktacular memes and grimey gifs to enjoy, but I wasn’t expecting to wake up to such a spectacular surprise as I did this morning!
I’ve got the tricks to help you utilize the sweet, sweet, Facebook treats we all now get to enjoy (at least for the next few days!)
(Improve your business’s Facebook presence with these hot tips!)

Halloween Facebook Reactions


In Loving Memory

Original Facebook Reactions

February 24, 2016 – October 27, 2016

Original Facebook Reactions crossed over to a new, hidden internet world on October 27, 2016, at just 246 days old. By giving birth to a new set of reactions, Original Facebook Reactions found its life ending. Though its time with us was short, it was certainly meaningful. It brought a new way to engage with the world and its legacy will not be forgotten.

Original Facebook Reactions is survived by its newborn child, Halloween Facebook Reactions. Upon its final moments, Original Facebook Reactions is said to have uttered, “Remember, not all that die will go forever unseen… anything can happen on Halloween…” With that, Original Facebook Reactions took its final breath. May it rest in peace.

Well – you heard it from Uptick first! Facebook has given us quite a treat – new Halloween Facebook reactions! If you are someone who was less than pleased by the addition of Facebook’s reactions, and generally stick to the classic “Like,” do yourself a favor and hover over the like just a little longer today. You will see a witty witch, an amazed apparition, a forlorn Frankenstein, and a provoked pumpkin! We are certain these aren’t here to stay, so use them while you can!

Facebook Live

Uptick has long anticipated the addition of Snapchat-like lenses, but we weren’t expecting to get them at such an epic time! Today, Facebook has updated Facebook Live to include fun lenses, or as Facebook calls them, ‘masks,’  just in time for Halloween! There’s a unicorn, a skeleton, and evil witch vampire queen thing… you get the picture! Go try them on for yourself!
(Get the tips before you go Live!)

Tune In at Lunchtime on Halloween for Uptick Live!

Don’t forget! Uptick Marketing has rescheduled our normal Facebook Live for a special Halloween edition! Tune in around lunchtime this Monday to witness your favorite marketing team in actin’ a fool in crazy costumes! (And watch us try on the new Facebook masks!)
Oh! And if you are still unsure about what to wear for Halloween, check out these punny digital marketing costume ideas!

About Anne

Uptick’s Vice President of Client Strategy, Anne studied Advertising and Public Relations and Spanish at the University of Alabama, spending one semester abroad at La Universidad de Alcalá de Henares in Madrid, Spain. Her love for the art of language has translated into four published works, multiple speaking engagements, and also, marketing. At Uptick, Anne oversees Uptick’s internal operations, including four production teams (content marketing, digital advertising, SEO, and support), process development and management, and internal business strategy. The Birmingham Business Journal also named Anne the 2022 Business Leader of the Year.

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