What Are Google Business Profile Posts – and How Should You Use Them?

With Google Business Profile Posts, you can craft micro-blog posts, or even a status update, that will show up alongside an image when people search for your company. Sometimes, these results even pop up in Google Map searches.
This could be an incredible opportunity for you and your business. Here’s how.

Google Business Profile Posts: Ways to Use the Feature

It seems that the majority of business owners are going to use GBP posts for events, updates, and special offers. They can also be used to make special announcements, such as holiday closings or flash sales.
But there’s also an option to use GBP posts for content marketing. For example, if you want to highlight something one of your clients wrote recently, or if you want to publicize one of your employees’ latest articles, you can feature that content for anyone who looks up your company.

How Can You Get Started?

Log in to your GBP profile and look for the new “Posts” option in the main window and also in the left menu. (If you don’t see the posts option yet, sit tight – it’s being rolled out to everyone eventually.) From there, you can click “Create Post” and follow the steps to craft your very first Google Business Profile Post!
You’ll need a high-quality, attention-grabbing image (very important; if you use a drab image, you can expect drab engagement) and up to 1,500 characters including spaces, which equates to about 300 words. Type in your description and continue to follow the steps until you’re finished!
There’s also an “Events” section that accommodates up to 58 characters including spaces and offers the option to select start and end dates. And if you’re looking for a Call to Action, don’t worry – GBP Posts has several to choose from, and each one can link to a website of your choosing.
When you’re done, the post will be a tidy little box with an eye-catching graphic and a simple format that everyone will love!

Looking for More Advice? Call Uptick!

We know marketing inside and out – and that means we have a deep understanding of all things Google! If you’re ready to start a conversation about making your business more visible to prospective online customers, contact us and we’ll be glad to help. Until then, we look forward to reading your Google Business Profile posts!

NOTE: As of December 2021, Google My Business (GMB) is now Google Business Profile (GBP). This article has been updated from the original postdate of July 1o, 2017 to reflect this new name change. 

About Lance

For nearly a decade, Lance has worked with Uptick in search engine optimization in some capacity, initially building our SEO department from the ground up. His expertise in the world of optimization makes him the ideal person to keep Uptick on the cutting edge of the ever-evolving SEO sphere. A graduate of Samford University, Lance is a member of Samford University’s Entrepreneurship, Management, and Marketing Advisory Board, creating the university’s first digital marketing course. He has spoken at the Birmingham chapter of the American Marketing Association, co-hosted ‘Grow With Google’ small business events, and presented to the Birmingham and Huntsville chapters of the Public Relations Council of Alabama. Currently, he spearheads Uptick’s SEO sales, business development, and overall strategies.

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