Got Personality? Our Sales Team Does!

sales team
In the past year, our sales team has really grown! If you haven’t met our sales team members at a Lunch and Learn or local networking event, now is your chance to get to know some of our friendliest folks!


Mark Travis

Oh, Mark. Where to start? Mark is one of the most interesting, friendly, and handy people. He’s quick to lend a hand and very good at coming up with innovative solutions to improve efficiency. His big smile is contagious, and his love for the outdoors will inspire even the most inexperienced (ahem… me) nature-goers to try their hand at kayaking, climbing, or fishing.

He has spent over 500 nights in a hammock, participated in competitive freestyle kayaking, and flown remote-controlled airplanes. “My motto was, if I got home and didn’t have something to repair, I didn’t fly hard enough.” Mark hopes to one day tackle the rivers of the Grand Canyon and travel all the way to the west coast, visiting the country’s national parks along the way.


Jamie Parris

Jamie is a delightfully sarcastic, music-lovin’ dad who always has a mischievous sparkle in his eye. He lives for music, college football, and good times with his wife and kids. During his college years, he lived in Brazil for a few months at a time and claims, “I used to speak Portuguese, but I’ve forgotten how.”
Jamie enjoys science, statistics, and the outdoors. His favorites include The Shawshank Redemption, Little Donkey restaurant in Homewood, and Josh Ritter. And he sings a pretty mean Bohemian Rhapsody.


Jerry Brown

Jerry is the father of three children and the Associate Youth Pastor at Waterstone Church. He also serves as the head of our sales department at Uptick. He has a friendly demeanor and a pocketful of dad jokes, and he can talk to absolutely anyone about anything (he’s been giving me lessons on the art of small talk! This weather, am I right?).
Before Uptick, Jerry worked at a bowling alley, was featured as an extra in the movie Mom’s Night Out, and once picked the next single for a famous country singer! He even “had a hole-in-one once in golf.” Jerry’s sense of humor is only surpassed by his amazing cornhole abilities. But… who is the Uptick office cornhole champ? Should we ask Lance?


Joey Beachum

If you’re looking for a multi-talented, incredibly smart person who can also make you laugh, I found him for you! Joey has many hidden talents. For one, he can rap the entire opening number of Hamilton. “I like to write,” he says. And he also knows magic tricks!
While attending Mississippi State, Joey invented a hacky sack game with his friends. He was a salsa instructor in training. Oh, and he also won Jeopardy in 2008! Now, Joey spends most of his time being a father, making connections and writing content for Uptick, and playing Magic: The Gathering.


Jenny Brown

Our one and only saleswoman (#girlboss #whoruntheworld), Jenny adds a fresh perspective to our team! She has taken ten years of French (though she claims now “all I can do is order lunch”) and dreams of backpacking through Europe. 
Speaking of lunch, you can find Jenny at El Barrio pretty much any day of the week. (We basically all live on Mexican food here at Uptick.) Her other favorites include Game of Thrones and her eleven-year-old son, Charlie. Next on Jenny’s list of adventures is a trip to Reykjavik, Iceland, or Machu Picchu!


Marshall Long

Last but not least, our resident chef extraordinaire, Marshall brings a unique flavor to the team as well! He claims skydiving and traveling are the two biggest things on his bucket list, though he has already visited over 20 countries!
“One of my favorite things to do is share a meal with my friends,” says Marshall, which probably explains why Thanksgiving is his favorite holiday! Marshall celebrates Surin Saturdays, Bacon Sundays, and Pink Fridays. And he makes incredible barbecue and guacamole and pesto and…. Is your mouth watering, too?!  

Meet the Whole Uptick Marketing Team!

Our sales team has got personality, good looks, and digital marketing on lock. But wait! There’s more. We’ve also got our content marketing department and SEO team. Meet the whole team, and learn more about how we can help your business with a tailored digital marketing strategy! Contact us today.

About Uptick

Uptick Marketing is a digital marketing agency based in Birmingham, AL. We provide a variety of digital marketing services (30+ services à la carte) to our clients, including search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, digital advertising, graphic design, video production, and more. We work with business owners, marketing directors, and other key stakeholders every day—and we believe in results-driven strategies that work to grow your business.

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