Happy Father’s Day! We hope everyone has a great day enjoying brats, sun, and family. Uptick Marketing is incredibly fortunate to have four great dads on our team. This entertaining crew brings something special to the Uptick office and we wouldn’t be the same without them. With their unique blend of dad jokes and fatherly wisdom, they make quite the impact on a daily basis. Let’s meet the fellows:
- Jerry Brown – Jerry’s three children are literally the only thing he loves more than Arrested Development and pulling pranks on Lance. When you ask Jerry what he loves about his kids, the answer is “everything.” Nothing they could do would ever take away his love for them, and random “I Love Yous” mean the world.
- Joey Beachum – Ever the cheapskate, Joey’s favorite part of being a dad is trying to score free food on Father’s Day. Besides that, the little moments of awesome parent time with his daughter mean the most.
- Lance Moore – Lance loves spending time outdoors with his son, and recently went on a trip to Georgia to do just that! He also does his best to prevent his child from sticking his finger in outlets, but he is only human.
- Jason “W” Woodard – W wins with four entire children, but his love for all of them is impactful. He said his favorite thing in life is seeing his children experience new things for the first time.
We truly are blessed with caring dads at Uptick. For part of this blog, I had the pleasure of being in a room with these great fathers hearing them talk about their children. The genuine amount of love and excitement they had while sharing moments was fun to watch, and made me want to call my dad! Little things like random hugs and coaching soccer make the biggest impact on a parent’s life, and it’s not something you truly appreciate until you become a parent yourself.
A challenge for Father’s Day this year: while you’re cooking, playing games, laughing, or whatever your family chooses to do – take a moment to let your dad know how much they are appreciated. This day is also special to those who have lost their father or have other male mentors in their life. Just take a moment to reflect on the good memories and lessons they taught, and live by those lessons as much as you can. Now if you excuse me, I need to call my dad and tell him I love him!