Learning a new language? Working on your beach bod? What about improving your digital marketing strategy? We’ve got a couple new year’s resolutions for ya! Start by getting organized. I’m not talking about your laundry or cleaning out your freezer (though we all know it is definitely time to work on those as well). It’s time to organize your online presence, and here’s how you can start!
#1 Make Sure Your Brand is Consistent
From Twitter to the footer on your website, your logo and contact information should read the exact same no matter where they are found. While you’re at it, check your email newsletter templates and any print media for consistency as well.
#2 Schedule Your Social Content
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are the places to be! Whether you’re on one or multiple platforms, make sure that your accounts are alive. Simply owning an account is not beneficial without regularly scheduled content. To help stay on track throughout the year, establish a content calendar, and make sure you have at least one person if not an entire team dedicated to maintaining your social media presence.
#3 Are You Blogging?
If you’re not blogging, you should be! Creating quality content more frequently can help improve your search engine performance as well as improve your brand awareness. Like I always say, make sure your content is educational, entertaining, and informative — and you’re set!
#4 Optimize Your Website
It’s 2017! Don’t fall victim to losing potential clients because of a slow website. If your site doesn’t fully load within three seconds (you heard me, just 3), it is time to take a look at what you can change to boost your site speed immediately!
It is also incredibly important – basically necessary – that your site be optimized for mobile devices. We all spend way too much time scrolling with just one thumb on a small tablet or smartphone. You know just as well as I do how annoying it can be when a website pulls up on your device with wonky formatting and pages that don’t show up. To improve customer experience and keep visitors, make sure your website is responsive!
#5 Take a Look at Your Numbers
You’ve been collecting data. Now is the time to analyze it and make changes! Do you need to change keywords? What types of content are most frequently visited and shared? Create more of that! Are your pay-per-click ads successfully providing ROI? Check in to make sure!
Get Started on the Right Foot with Uptick Marketing
It can be overwhelming to analyze your entire digital marketing strategy. However, there’s no need to fear. That’s why we’re here! Consult with one of our experts today to start 2017 on the right foot! Contact us today.