Why Online Reviews Are Important

online review tracking
Summary: Wondering why online reviews are important? Lance talks about the value of online reviews for your business and how negative reviews can hinder your ability to obtain new business.
Online reviews are extremely important to how people perceive your business.  Remember the old saying, “Perception is everything?” Well, that’s very much the truth when it comes to online reviews. At the end of the day, people trust the Internet.  In fact, that is why they’re searching online and researching your business, products, or services before making buying decisions.
When a customer is looking for a local service or product and they find you online, there are three possible judgments a potential customer will make depending on your online reviews.

Situation Number One: You Have No Online Reviews

What happens if you do not have any online reviews? There are several possibilities, but the most likely outcome is that people will continue searching until they find a local company with reviews. Remember, reviews are what helps people make purchasing decisions with confidence.
The solution for you in this case is relatively simple: Earn online reviews by having exceptional customer service in addition to amazing products or services. In short, create raving fans and exceed expectations. Then, you will get the reviews you desire. However, it is important to remember to ask for reviews.
Let’s look at a real-life example (business information removed for identity purposes). See below, who would you call? More than likely the service provider with 39 reviews!
why online reviews are important

Situation Number Two: You Have Bad Reviews

If you have bad reviews, you can go ahead and assume that you are losing business. People are unlikely to trust you and therefore unlikely to hire you or purchase your products or services if they see negative reviews about your business online.
The solution for you in this case is to respond to these negative reviews and request positive reviews from valued customers.
See the example below. Someone had a negative experience at this restaurant and the company replied and reassured the individual that his or her complaint was heard and addressed in a staff meeting.
birmingham marketing
Responding to negative reviews is essential to helping to show that you truly do care and value your customers and that you are determined to rectify problems when they arise. You can even go one step above the response in the example above and offer to make it up to the customer by having them return to your restaurant at no cost to them. In these situations, you can often get them to remove the negative review by making the situation right.

Situation Number Three: You Have Great Reviews

If you are a business with great online reviews, then you likely already know why online reviews are important. More often than not, you will come out on top and continue to have more people turn to your business for your products or services due to your online reputation.
In this situation, simply continue to excel and request positive reviews – the more the merrier!

The Moral of Why Online Reviews are Important

Online reviews can either help you obtain more business or ultimately cause you to lose business if you fail to address negative reviews and amend your practices to create raving fans of your business.
Work hard at being the very best business in your industry and remember to ask those raving customers to kindly leave you a review.
You need to understand the power of your online reputation.  People are talking about you.  Do you know what they’re saying? Make sure you are aware of any review that is left about your business and respond (whether it is a good review or a bad review).
Learn more about the power of digital marketing and the importance of your business’s online presence. Contact Uptick today for a free digital analysis or consultation.

About Lance

For nearly a decade, Lance has worked with Uptick in search engine optimization in some capacity, initially building our SEO department from the ground up. His expertise in the world of optimization makes him the ideal person to keep Uptick on the cutting edge of the ever-evolving SEO sphere. A graduate of Samford University, Lance is a member of Samford University’s Entrepreneurship, Management, and Marketing Advisory Board, creating the university’s first digital marketing course. He has spoken at the Birmingham chapter of the American Marketing Association, co-hosted ‘Grow With Google’ small business events, and presented to the Birmingham and Huntsville chapters of the Public Relations Council of Alabama. Currently, he spearheads Uptick’s SEO sales, business development, and overall strategies.

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