Social Media Hacking: Tips for Business Safety

With all of the recent news about security breaches with popular social media sites, you may have concerns about the online safety of your business. There isn’t a foolproof way to keep your accounts from being hacked, but there are steps you can take to make hacking into your company’s social media accounts a little harder.
Here are a few tips to help keep your business safe on social media.

1) Get Suspicious Activity Alerts

You know how you get an email every time you log into your email account from a different computer? Alerts like these may seem annoying, but in the end, they keep you aware of all the activity on your account. We’re creatures of habit, and it’s not often that we use an unrecognized computer to log into our social media accounts. Make sure you are set up to receive these alerts, and don’t just auto-delete them when they come in. Check them and be sure no one is trying to access your accounts from a strange location.

2) Pay Attention to Risks

If you are the person in charge of your company’s social media accounts, you need to be aware of all the hacking risks that surround you. Taking these simple steps can help reduce your risk of getting hacked:

  • Log out of social media accounts after use (especially on community computers/laptops)
  • Never leave your phone lying around unlocked in bars, restaurants, or clubs
  • If you don’t already, create a screen lock for your phone
  • Clear your cache often
  • Remove old employees from social media accounts and change passwords

3) Run Regular Security Checks

Another way to reduce the risk of getting hacked is running security checks. Hacking can happen when you least expect it, so it’s best to always be prepared.
Conducting a monthly security check of all your company’s social media accounts can help you find flaws in your security. A simple security check should include changing your passwords, assessing your admin users, searching for fake accounts, and double checking connected accounts. The check doesn’t have to take hours, but it will definitely benefit you in the end.

Uptick Marketing Knows Social!

Here at Uptick Marketing, we’re experts when it comes to social media – and we want the best for you and your business. Contact us for more information on how we can help create, promote, and spread awareness about your company’s brand.

About Uptick

Uptick Marketing is a digital marketing agency based in Birmingham, AL. We provide a variety of digital marketing services (30+ services à la carte) to our clients, including search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, digital advertising, graphic design, video production, and more. We work with business owners, marketing directors, and other key stakeholders every day—and we believe in results-driven strategies that work to grow your business.

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