Social media overwhelm happens to everyone. You may sit and stare at your computer for hours, hoping that an idea will spring from the empty screen. The overwhelm can be so frustrating, especially when you have a deadline. So what can you do to get past it? Here are three tips that will help you get out of this slump.
Take a Break
Step. Away. From. The. Computer.
If you’re feeling uninspired or frustrated, it may be time to take a short break. Walk around the office. Refill your cup of coffee. Walk around the parking lot. If you take your mind off of social media for a few minutes, you may find that an idea hits you while you’re doing something other than posting. Make sure that your break doesn’t last too long (#procrastination), but just long enough to clear your head.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, curate. There’s tons of content out in the social media world just waiting to be shared. Coming up with original ideas can become draining. Try reposting content that reflects your client’s interests. Now is the perfect time to post user-generated content. In a world of retweets and reposts, it’s easy to fill in your social media gaps with curated content.
Plan Posting
One of the best ways to solve social media overwhelm is to prevent it before it happens. Say it with me: scheduled posting is your friend. A content bank can even become one of your very best friends. If you schedule posts ahead of time, there won’t be as many opportunities to lose inspiration and get overwhelmed. Creating a content bank can also be very beneficial because you’ll have a ready made bank of posts when The Overwhelm hits.
Uptick Marketing Defeats the Overwhelm
Uptick Marketing has a strong team of content warriors that defeat social media overwhelm day in and day out. Scheduled posts, content banks, and pure awesomeness are our weapons of choice. If you’d like to learn more about the work that all our warriors do, contact us!