Using Social Media to Compliment Your Traditional Marketing

social and traditional media
Digital marketing has quickly taken over as the favorite tool to reach new customers. It’s inexpensive, allows more personalization, and gives better reports that the traditional methods. While we obviously agree that digital marketing is the marketing of the future, that doesn’t mean that traditional marketing has fallen to the wayside. Combining both of these strategies allows your company to get the best of both worlds, especially if it’s done right. We discuss how to do exactly that here.

Different Audiences

Even though digital marketing is gaining the most favor amongst companies, there are still consumers that won’t be reached through online sources. Whether it’s an older customer base that simply isn’t interested in the digital world or individuals that have become disillusioned with certain social media sites and search engines, there are plenty of people who can only be reached through the traditional world. The same certainly applies for traditional marketing. With less people using cable and not everyone driving the same roads (seeing the same billboards), digital marketing becomes more important for a company’s success.

Promoting Each Other

In addition to traditional and digital promoting your business, they can also be used to promote each other – which promotes your business even more! So how does this look? You can use digital marketing to highlight traditional methods you are using. For example, many of our clients enjoy sharing moments they were on TV or a time they sponsored a certain event. You can also use billboards, commercials, paper ads, and more to advertise your social media and online campaigns. QR codes are also a wonderful tool that lets consumers scan a code on a poster or similar object that then takes you to a website or campaign page! Combining these factors is a great way to see more transactions.

Monitoring Success

Combining traditional and digital marketing is a fantastic strategy in today’s business environment, but that doesn’t mean every plan you have is going to work. Keeping up-to-date with what’s working and what isn’t is the best way of progressing with future campaigns. Digital marketing provides easier analytics than most traditional sources, but customer surveys and other forms of feedback can provide insight to both.

Uptick – Your Digital Marketing Superhero

We are experts in every aspect of the digital marketing landscape. We do everything from social media marketing to website design, and are happy to help you find success in the world of digital marketing. Our team also excels in working with you to find the best solution for your company, so we’re always ready to find a balance between traditional and digital. Contact us today to begin the next step towards online success.

About Uptick

Uptick Marketing is a digital marketing agency based in Birmingham, AL. We provide a variety of digital marketing services (30+ services à la carte) to our clients, including search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, digital advertising, graphic design, video production, and more. We work with business owners, marketing directors, and other key stakeholders every day—and we believe in results-driven strategies that work to grow your business.

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