Looking for Ways to Market Better and Expand Reach? Here’s Why Digital Marketing Is the Answer.

digital marketing is the solution

This article is the second chapter in our Digital Marketing Blueprint. Our series also includes Identifying Your Marketing Problem (Step #1). Additionally, you can download the full guide here for free!

Step #2: Understanding Why Digital Marketing Is the Solution

We’ve identified the key problems: traditional marketing sometimes doesn’t work, it’s very hard to track, and it’s incredibly expensive for small and medium businesses.

What’s the solution? Digital marketing! Here’s why.

Tailored Plans

With digital marketing, you can create a tailored plan that is specifically designed to meet your business goals. By creating a tailored plan for your business, you can better reach your target audience because you won’t be wasting your time and money by advertising to people who don’t care about what you offer; instead, you’ll be getting in front of the right people at the right time, over and over.

There is great power in simply identifying where your customers are online and then creating an intentional digital marketing strategy that puts your business in front of prospective buyers. No more marketing to the masses with expensive billboards or TV commercials; instead, every dollar you spend will be going to the right place.

Lower Costs

There is no doubt that digital marketing is a lot more cost-effective than traditional marketing, which is incredibly important when you’re talking about small and medium businesses with a tight budget.

For $5,000 per month (what you could be spending on one 30-second TV ad), you would be shocked to see what you can do online to get your business directly in front of your target audience! 

Did we mention it’s completely trackable? So not only do you spend less to get a lot more, but you can directly measure return-on-investment. (We will take that $5,000 per month and show you just how far that money can go with digital marketing and advertising later in this blueprint.)

Permission-Based Marketing

Remember how we said that traditional marketing is interruption marketing? Digital marketing is permission-based marketing. But what exactly does that mean? 

Instead of broadcasting your messages to the masses, you are educating your target audience with high-quality and effective content. By doing so, you build trust with prospective customers, which improves the chances that they choose your business over the competition.

Today, very few people make a buying decision without first researching the company, product, or service of interest. If you’re not showing up in the results, then you’re losing business!

Digital Is the Future (and the Present)

Finally, we all know digital marketing is the future, but let’s face it—it’s also the present. There’s a reason that newspapers are moving online and frequently ceasing their print publications. We live in a digital society where more and more people have an online presence.

Going digital is inevitable, and the longer you wait, the longer it will take for you to get traction. Why? Well, among other things, there’s domain authority—we’ll cover that later. Stay tuned. 


You are not required to have 20 full-time employees on staff in your marketing department in order to get incredible results. And, if you’re like most small or medium businesses, that kind of hiring isn’t even an option for you.

Instead, you can hire a digital-focused marketing agency that will work as an extension of your business.

Uptick Marketing acts as the marketing arm for a lot of our clients. We are the marketing consultants working directly with the business owner or the on-staff marketing director. This partnership frees up your company’s marketing director to focus on his or her strengths while we handle the parts that they either don’t have time to do or simply don’t want to do.

As mentioned earlier, hiring the right people with all of the expertise needed to accurately and thoroughly market your business online will cost a fortune. The solution is outsourcing to a reputable digital marketing agency like Uptick, where you get 40+ experienced professionals at your disposal at a fraction of the cost of hiring internally.

If you’re having success with your traditional marketing efforts, then we encourage you to continue—but we also recommend allocating some of those marketing dollars to online tactics, allowing you to experience even more success and better reach your target market.

The Bottom Line

Digital marketing is the present and the future. Your business simply must have a digital presence—and the longer you wait, the harder it will be for you to get traction.

This article is the second chapter in our Digital Marketing Blueprint. Download the full guide here for free!

About Jerry

Jerry (a.k.a. ‘ol’ Presentation Eyes’) is a founding partner at Uptick and our Vice President of Business Development. Jerry has 20+ years of digital marketing experience and has worked extensively with several local businesses, from dental practices to retail stores. Over his career, Jerry has worked with businesses, big and small, including brands like Target, Wells Fargo, and Coca-Cola United. He has also been engaged in several speaking events, presenting at the American Marketing Association, American Advertising Federation, and for chamber of commerces across Alabama.

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